Isfahan University of Technology Software Radio Course Project ( spring-summer 2007) Shima Kheradmand |
Timing Recovery: 2 Basic Functions for Digital Timing Recovery Derivation of Synchronization Algorithms : 4.Timing Error Feedback Systems at Symbol Rate
Systematic Derivation of Synchronization Algorithms First of all it should be mentioned that performance criterion for this derivation is the ML .In fact the systematic derivation of ML synchronizers is straightforward only thing must be done is averaging the likelihood function over the unwanted parameters: i.e.: Joint estimation of (θ, ε) : Phase estimation: Timing estimation: But it is not possible to perform these averaging operations in closed form exception of a few cases, then approximation techniques must be used and so various algorithms result from the applying these techniques which can be systematic or not. In general synchronizers categorized into two main class: 1. Class DD/DA:Decision-directed(DD) or data-aided(DA) 2. Class NDA:Non-data-aided (NDA) Also can be further categorized according to how the timing/phase zn(ε)=z(nT+εT). As said earlier suitable approximations must be found to remove the undesirable parameters , if L(θ) is result of these approximation our problem is confined to find the extermum of L(θ) in which θ is the set of paeameters are to be estimated so: L(θ) is called objective function. In [1] (chapter 4) is shown that : |
3. DA(DD) Timing Parameter Estimation |