Isfahan University Of Technology

Departtment Of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Iran - Isfahan


The Course Project of SDR Course (Spring 2007)

Instructor : Dr M.J.Omidi

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Create & Design By

Ali Masoudi

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Presentations :

1. Introduction to FPGA

2. Hardware Choices For SDR

References :

1. "FPGA in software defined radio" by Mark Cummings ,IEEE Communication Magazine

2. ARM lecture (

3. ARM Instruction Set (

4. The Benefits Of FPGA Coprocessing (


6."Software Radio Architecture: Object-Oriented Approaches to Wireless Systems Engineering" By Joseph Mitola III (Chapter 10)

7. "Software Radio a Modern Approach to Radio Engineering" By Jeffrey H.Reed (Chapter 7)

8. "Software Defined Radio : Enabling Technologies" By Walter Tuttlebee (Chapters 7 & 8)

9. "Study Report of SDR Technology & System Design" (Pages 52-62)

10. "Software defined Radio For 3G" By Paul Burns (Chapter 6)



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