Overview of spectrum sharing techniques | |
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In xG networks, one of the main challenges in open spectrum usage is the spectrum sharing. Spectrum sharing can be regarded to be similar to generic medium access control (MAC) problems in existing systems. However, as we will investigate in this section, substantially different challenges exist for spectrum sharing in xG networks. The coexistence with licensed users and the wide range of available spectrum are two of the main reasons for these unique challenges. we delve into the specific challenges for spectrum sharing in xG networks, overview the existing solutions and discuss open research areas. In order to provide a directory for different challenges during spectrum sharing, we first enumerate the steps in spectrum sharing in xG networks. The challenges and the solutions proposed for these steps will then be explained in detail. The spectrum sharing process consists of five major steps. 1. Spectrum sensing: An xG user can only allocate a portion of the spectrum if that portion is not used by an unlicensed user. In Section 4, the solutions and the challenges for this problem, i.e., spectrum sensing, are described. Accordingly, when an xG node aims to transmit packets, it first needs to be aware of the spectrum usage around its vicinity.
4. Transmitter-receiver handshake: Once a portion of the spectrum is determined for communication the receiver of this communication should also be indicated about the selected spectrum. Hence, a transmitter-receiver handshake protocol is essential for efficient communication in xG networks.Note that the term handshake by no means restricts this protocol between the transmitter and the receiver. A third party such as a centralized station can also be involved.
The existing solutions for spectrum sharing in xG networks can be mainly classified in three aspects: i.e., according to their architecture assumption, spectrum allocation behavior, and spectrum access technique as shown in Fig. 12. In this section, we describe these three classifications and present the fundamental results that analyze these classifications. The analysis of xG spectrum sharing techniques has been investigated through two major theoretical approaches. While some work uses optimization techniques to find the optimal strategies for spectrum sharing, game theoretical analysis has also been used in this area. The first classification for spectrum sharing techniques in xG networks is based on the architecture, which can be described as follows: • Centralized spectrum sharing: In these solutions, a centralized entity controls the spectrum allocation and access procedures . With aid to these procedures, generally, a distributed sensing procedure is proposed such that each entity in the xG network forward their measurements about the spectrum allocation to the central entity and this entity constructs a spectrum allocation map.
• Cooperative spectrum sharing: Cooperative (or collaborative) solutions consider the effect of the node’s communication on other nodes . In other words, the interference measurements of each node are shared among other nodes. Furthermore, the spectrum allocation algorithms also consider this information. While all the centralized solutions can be regarded as cooperative, there also exist distributed cooperative solutions. • Non-cooperative spectrum sharing: Contrary to the cooperative solutions, non-cooperative (or non-collaborative, selfish) solutions consider only the node at hand . These solutions are also referred to as selfish. While non-cooperative solutions may result in reduced spectrum utilization, the minimal communication requirements among other nodes introduce a tradeoff for practical solutions. These two solutions have generally been compared
through their spectrum utilization, fairness,
and throughput. The utilization and fairness in spectrum
access has been investigated in , where the
spectrum allocation problem is modeled as a graph
coloring problem and both centralized and distributed
approaches are investigated. Using this model,
an optimization framework is developed. In this
framework, secondary users allocate channels
according to the interference that will be caused by
the transmission. Both cooperative and non-cooperative
approaches are considered such that cooperative
approaches also consider the effect of the
channel allocation on the potential neighbors. The
simulation results show that cooperative approaches
outperform non-cooperative approaches as well as
closely approximating the global optimum. Moreover,
the comparison of centralized and distributed
solutions reveals that distributed solution closely follows
the centralized solution. A similar analysis has
also been provided in , where the effects of collaboration
in spectrum access is investigated. An
important assumption in these work is that secondary
users know the location and transmit power of
primary users so that the interference calculations
can be performed easily. However, such an assumption
may not always be valid in xG networks.
Game theory has also been exploited for performance
evaluation of xG spectrum access schemes.
Especially, the comparison between cooperative
and non-cooperative approaches has been presented
in through game theoretical analysis. In,
game theory is exploited to analyze the behavior
of the cognitive radio for distributed adaptive channel
allocation. It is assumed that users deploy
CDMA and determine the operating channel and
the coding rate by keeping transmission power constant. • Overlay spectrum sharing: Overlay spectrum sharing refers to the spectrum access technique used. More specifically, a node accesses the network using a portion of the spectrum that has not been used by licensed users. As a result, interference to the primary system is minimized. • Underlay spectrum sharing: Underlay spectrum sharing exploits the spread spectrum techniques developed for cellular networks . Once a spectrum allocation map has been acquired, an xG node begins transmission such that its transmit power at a certain portion of the spectrum is regarded as noise by the licensed users. This technique requires sophisticated spread spectrum techniques and can utilize increased bandwidth compared to overlay techniques. The effects of underlay and overlay approaches in
a cooperative setting are investigated in , where
non-cooperative users are analyzed using a game
theoretical framework. Using this framework, it is
shown that frequency division multiplexing is optimal
when interference among users is high. As a
result, the overlay approach becomes more efficient
than underlay when interference among users is
high. The lack of cooperation among users,
however, necessitates an overlay pproach. The
comparative evaluations show that the performance
loss due to the lack of cooperation is small, and vanishes
with increasing SNR. However, in this framework,
the cost and inaccuracies of information
exchange between users are not considered.
Another comparison of underlay and overlay
approaches is provided in . The comparison is
based on the influence of the secondary system on
the primary system in terms of outage probability
and three spectrum sharing techniques have been
considered. The first technique (spreading based
underlay) requires secondary users to spread their
transmit power over the full spectrum such as
CDMA or Ultra Wide Band (UWB). The second
technique (interference avoidance overlay) requires
nodes to choose a frequency band to transmit such
that the interference at a primary user is minimized.
Also an hybrid technique (spreading based underlay
with interference avoidance) is investigated where a
node spreads its transmission over the entire spectrum
and also null or notch frequencies where a primary
user is transmitting. Consequently, first, the
interference statistics for each technique are determined
for outage probability analysis. Then, the
outage probability for each technique is derived
assuming no system knowledge, perfect system
knowledge, and limited system knowledge. Similar
to other existing work, when perfect system knowledge
is assumed, the overlay scheme outperforms
the underlay scheme in terms of outage probability. |
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